Smith Tennis hosted Roger Williams University and Union College on April 16 at the Smith Indoor Track and Tennis Facility. Sans number 1 singles and doubles specialist, Gianna Teague, Smith showed strength of "team". Senior co-captains Maggie Steiner and Ally Hawkins stepped up to number one doubles and number one and two singles respectively.. The duo are the perfect complement to each other's game. Ally sets up the points, lobs to get the opponents away from the net and sets Maggie up for the finishing shot. At number 2 doubles, Eunice Zhaoand Julia Signell showed their positive spirits and fun they have playing together as they won their match. Newly designed third doubles of Grace McKay-Corkum and Rachel Canfora defined their style through trial and error. All three doubles teams battled their way to victory giving Smith a 3-0 lead. Maggie Steiner brought in the first singles win when her opponent retired at 3-0 due to an injury. Eunice sealed the victory by defeating her opponent in straight sets. Because of inclement weather, Smith played the match to decision thus the winning score was 5-1. Three matches were left unfinished.
The second match was against Union College and the day looked more challenging. Maggie and Ally managed to pull out a close match at one doubles while the doubles of team of Meghan Smith and Nawal Mays lost at second doubles. The swing match for Smith came from a victory of Grace McKay-Corkum and Julia Signell. The two were not originally slated to play together but they showed they were ready for the challenge and came from a 0-3 deficit to win the match 8-6. Smith cruised into the singles with a 2-1 lead and pulled off three singles wins quickly at number 2, 3 and 4 singles.
With two match wins for the day, Smith Tennis is now 4-5 for the season. The last match this spring will take place on Saturday, April 23 vs Wesleyan College. The match will be at Smith and will start at 1pm.