The Seven Sisters' Championship is in the record book but not before Jaimi Inskeep and Clair Oblamski made the tournament team. Playing first doubles for the duration of the tournament, the two chalked up two victories and a great deal of respect from all opponents. Competitive but good sportswomen throughout, the two work exceptionally well together. Their coach, Chris Davis, says that they are the perfect "hammer-wedge" combination complementing each others strengths and protecting for weaknesses. They are analytical and brave. They are willing to try new strategies in the heat of the competition. Clair will come from nowhere to poach a winner while Jaimi is steady and relentless at getting the ball back in play. Don't be surprised, however, if you see them switch roles as Jaimi is capable of putting that ball away and Clair can have patience when needed. This senior team has shown their dedication and expertise on the court and they have led this team to many successes along the way.
Smith Tennis had an overall good tournament finishing fourth in the historic championship. Senior Gianna Teague played number 1 singles. Jordan Dubin held the number 2 singles position posting the winning match in the 3-2 victory over Bryn Mawr. Bayla Weick never gave up at the number three singles position posting a win over Bryn Mawr and pushing MHC to the edge with a tiebreak finish. The number two doubles position was held by Allie Ryan and Julie Signell on Sat and Robyn Cyr and Haruka Shimoto on Sunday. Grace McCay-Corkum was available at a moment's notice and stepped in for two exhibition matches. All players played with heart and showed their dedication and commitment to Smith Tennis.
Photographs courtesy of Deedie Steele
Photographs courtesy of Deedie Steele